Registration opens in April and our season runs from July through October.
The cost is $130 per player for the season and does not include a uniform. Financial assistance is available and no child/family will be turned away.
Please follow us on Facebook and Instagram for registration announcements!
General Season Timeline:*
April – June: Registration
June: Teams are formed (U6-U10) and Drafts Are Held (U12+)
July: Teams are distributed and practices may begin
August- October: Games are played
*The above dates are provided to give an idea of the typical season. Exact dates will be announced as the season gets closer
U5 Academy

PYSL is proud to offer an academy for those U5 players who are new to soccer and team sports in general. These young players will be introduced to the sport in a fun group setting involving games and activities overseen by PYSL trainers and designed to get them comfortable being on the field.
Academy sessions will be held on Saturday mornings at the Petaluma Community Sports Complex. Parents are encouraged to participate in the sessions with your player.
Academy participants DO NOT need to purchase a uniform. Each player will be provided with their own academy training shirt and PYSL logo ball to be used during the sessions.
U6-U8 Developmental

U6-U8 players will receive developmental instruction from volunteer parent coaches (like you!) under the guidance of PYSL. Games are held on weeknights and Saturdays at local Petaluma fields where players will learn to develop the fundamentals of team play while developing a love for the game. Fun is emphasized and score is not kept.
Teams are generally formed by school. Unfortunately, we cannot honor special team placement requests.
Recreational U9-U19

PYSL Recreational Division is designed to build upon the skills introduced at the developmental level while introducing more advanced techniques and a higher level of competition. Teams are coached by volunteer parent coaches under the guidance of PYSL and officiated by licensed CNRA referees. Score is kept and standings are reported.
PYSL follows US Soccer guidelines for field and team size in our Recreational Division as follows:
- U9 – U10: 7-a-side (7 v 7)
- U11 – U12: 9-a-side (9 v 9)
- U14 – up: 11-a-side (11 v 11)
With the exception of U9 & U10, Recreational teams are formed through a coach's draft. Special requests for team placement cannot be honored in U12+ age groups.
U9 and U10 games are played at Prince Park in Petaluma on weeknights and Saturdays. On the final day of the season, teams will participate in a Jamboree involving three short games against teams with similar records. Players will also receive medals honoring their participation in the season.
U12 games (U11 and U12 combined) are played at Wiseman Park in Petaluma on weeknights and Saturdays. Teams will participate in a league competition as well as an end of season single tournament, The City Cup. The 1st and 2nd place teams from league as well as the City Cup champions and runners-up are all honored with trophies at PYSL's awards night in November.
U14 teams and High School aged teams play on full size turf fields here in Petaluma. Depending on registration numbers, teams in these age groups may participate in regional playing leagues as part of their season. This will require travel to other cities in Marin and Sonoma Counties for away games.